Aging - In Your Home or a Nursing Home?

Steuben Senior Services Fund, Inc (SSSF) has found that most seniors want to stay in their homes for as long as they can – to age in place – and rightfully so.
How would you feel if you or a loved one had to move into a nursing home when, chances are, you could manage quite well at home if you had help with things like bathing and personal care, meal preparation, and assistance in managing chronic diseases and medications.
What would it be like to have to leave your home?
What would you miss the most? It might be a beloved pet, watching the birds from your living room easy chair, chatting with your neighbor of 20 years across the back fence, or maybe doing your Elvis imitations whenever the mood strikes you.
This is the reality for a growing number of seniors, because government funding is targeted to institutional care, and insufficient funds are available to support delivery of in-home services. Medicare in particular does not pay for home care except on a very limited basis when an individual needs special care after a hospital stay. The result is that many elderly individuals have no choice but to move into adult homes and nursing homes, when aging in place is quite often possible. SSSF is working to change that.
The financial impact on individuals of the failure to adequately fund in-home services is staggering. The average cost of care in an adult home is nearly $32,000 per year and over $158,000 in a nursing facility!
A snapshot of services coordinated through the Steuben County Office for Aging indicates that 25% of those individuals currently receiving in-home services would have to move into nursing homes or adult homes were these services not available.

The Problem
Senior Citizens are the Fastest-Growing Population Segment in the United States
Aging in Place
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Steuben Senior Services Fund, Inc. (SSSF)
works throughout Steuben County New York to ensure members of the senior citizen community receive adequate in home health services to help them remain independent in their own homes for as long as possible